004. Goulash Chicken - Ayam Gulai

Ingredients :
  1. 500 grams of chicken, cut into pieces
  2. 1 sheet of turmeric leaves
  3. 2 pieces of orange leaf, torn
  4. 1 stalk lemongrass
  5. 3 cm galangal, crushing
  6. 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
  7. 1/2 teaspoon tamarind
  8. 2 cloves
  9. 3 cm cinnamon
  10. 400 ml of coconut milk (from 1/4 coconut)

Ground spices :
  1. 5 onions
  2. 2 cloves of garlic
  3. 2 grains of pecan, roasted
  4. 7 pieces of red chili Pepper Chicken Recipe typical Padang
  5. 2 cm turmeric
  6. 1/2 teaspoon cumin, roasted
  7. 2 cm ginger
  8. 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
  9. 1/2 teaspoon coriander, roasted
  10. 1 teaspoon salt
  11. 1 1/2 teaspoons of granulated sugar

How to cook :
  • Mix the coconut milk, fine spices and all ingredients except chicken in a pan, cook while stirring until boiling and fragrant.
  • Put in the chicken, cook again while stirring until the spices soak and coconut thickens. Lift. Ready to be served.
  • In addition to the chicken that has to really mature, one other tips on how to cook the chicken poultry curry is to make sure you cook coconut milk until really cooked. We recommend using real coconut milk instead of instant coconut milk. In addition to taste better, chicken poultry curry also will not quickly stale.

Bahan-bahan :
  1. 500 gram ayam, potong-potong
  2. 1 lembar daun kunyit
  3. 2 lembar daun jeruk, sobek-sobek
  4. 1 batang serai
  5. 3 cm lengkuas, memarkan
  6. 1/2 sendok teh gula merah
  7. 1/2 sendok teh asam jawa
  8. 2 butir cengkeh 
  9. 3 cm kayu manis 
  10. 400 ml santan (dari 1/4 butir kelapa)

Bumbu halus :
  1. 5 butir bawang merah
  2. 2 siung bawang putih
  3. 2 butir kemiri, sangrai
  4. 7 buah cabe merah Resep Gulai ayam khas Padang
  5. 2 cm kunyit
  6. 1/2 sendok teh jintan, sangrai
  7. 2 cm jahe
  8. 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  9. 1/2 sendok teh ketumbar, sangrai
  10. 1 sendok teh garam
  11. 1 1/2 sendok teh gula pasir

Cara memasak :
  • Campur santan, bumbu halus dan semua bahan kecuali ayam dalam panci, masak sambil terus diaduk hingga mendidih dan wangi.
  • Masukkan ayam, masak kembali sambil terus diaduk hingga bumbu meresap dan santan mengental. Angkat. Siap disajikan.
  • Selain ayam yang sudah harus benar-benar matang, satu tips lainnya mengenai cara memasak gulai ayam padang adalah pastikan anda memasak santan hingga benar-benar matang
  • Sebaiknya gunakan santan kelapa asli dan bukannya santan kelapa instant. Selain agar rasanya lebih enak, gulai ayam padang juga tidak akan cepat basi.

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